Bethel Newsline 1/27
Bethel will be meeting Sunday morning at 9:30 for classes and 10:30 for worship.
Sunday Night at 5:30, and Wednesday night at 6:30.
Vera Rains is at NHC for rehab.
Bertha Ford is home and doing better. Still has lots of improving to do.
Gayle Wright did well with the surgery. Doctor expects a quick recovery.
Kaye Simmons having surgery on her hand today. Also having trouble with arthritis. prayers asked for.
Robert Baltimore having another round of infusions . Give him a word of encouragement at church.
Burl Johnson will have surgery Feb. 18th. Feeling some better , prayers for him.
David Stricklin’s heart surgery went well. He is in the hospital in Nashville.
Gary Black and family need prayers.
Lollie Allen’s hip replacement went well. Long recovery to come.
MNFTM Feb. 3rd.
Ladies doing gift card for Destiny Johnson. She is expecting a baby.
Bobby and Joyce Newby are not doing well now.
We have many shutins who need our prayers.
Others who need our prayers:
Roy Pendergrass
Archie Mason.
Vera Rains
Mary Bickford
Gary Black
Ruby Mosley